Saturday, August 29, 2015

Transformative Rebirth.

I have had this blog for four years. The two or three of you that ever looked at it, will notice all of the old blog entries are gone. I am starting a new journey. I am not the same person that I was when I began this woefully neglected and forgotten site all of those years ago. My life and my beliefs have changed drastically. I am much more for personal freedom than I used to be. I'm not going to have to deal with some one's individual consequences. It's their karma to work out and not mine. I have enough issues to be going on with at this moment to worry about anyone else's. It has been a long road, full of ups and downs. The path has meandered through forest, meadow, stream bed and precipice. A few people have been my support system through all of this, and I thank them and love them dearly. The changes are not over yet.

I plan on FINALLY moving within a couple of weeks. I can not wait for the changes that will bring into my life. I will finally be able to move towards my more authentic self without family pressures and expectations. I have had many revelations about myself the last few months. My ideals, and wants have changed a little bit. I'm at the point where I can honestly say that I am tired of the rat race. The needing the newest, the best. The shiniest. It's all poison. Poison in our foods, our drinks, and poison being poured into our very minds. I want out of it, to the best extent that I can. It's a recipe for self destruction. And it infuriates and saddens me.

My spiritual path has changed, in dynamic ways. It's been a long strange trip but I have enjoyed every second of it. It's been fun, enlightening and educational. I have realized that I have a call to be a councilor. I want to eventually become a priest and be able to serve the community at the religious and spiritual fringes. To truly listen to some one is among the greatest gifts that you can give them.

The love of music remains, but I don't know what I am going to do in that realm. There is something there, but what it is at this time I do not know. I still deeply enjoy listening to it, and wish to be involved some how. Maybe an online radio station will be how it will manifest.

I hope to write in this blog regularly, and hopefully something will grow out of this. I plan to hopefully document my journey, and my transformation as my life changes, and transforms. There is a new day coming, and I hope that I am the best person I can be.

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