Childhood home, the tobacco fields and forests of Ohio. My introduction to the mysteries of life. Family, friendship, love, and loss, and death. My memories start in this state. Until the age of 11 I lived in a trailer park in the town of Batavia. A lot of houses close together, a lot of guide less teenagers doing stupid things. My dad was on the fire department, and we camped a lot. My childhood a lot of time was spent climbing in and around the fire trucks at the old 32 fire station. We rode in a lot of parades, and spent time with the other kids of the fire fighters. We would camp several times a year with them, enjoying the trails and the night time fires with them. They are part of an extended family. I think of one man in particular as an uncle.
We move a half hour east, and it might as well have been a completely different world. Farmers fields all around us. Cattle in a pasture near by. Different scents, different sounds. Peaceful nights. You could see the starts. The STARS!!!! I grew up in an area where the nights sky was drowned out by the industrial lighting from the street lights, and the ford plant down the street. Nature was all around us in Sardinia, Deer out in the fields, birds in the trees and in the air. I met new people that were a whole different type. It was more laid back there, even if they were into drugs, starting with pot, and slowly going heavier before they got out. Or we lost contact.
I moved to Kentucky for work, and I lived down there for a year. I worked with some great people. It was a mostly good experience. I lost my Papaw in March of 2015. He had a hard fight with leukemia, and it was sad to watch his sudden decline.
I worked a lot and I spent a lot of time with my papaw. I made a few friends at work, but beyond that not much happened.
I got a transfer to Tampa, and in a lot of ways, this is where my life begins again. I don't have any family members near me, and I do not have their expectations of me hanging over my shoulder anymore. I get to explore, and really figure out who I want to be. I am living with my fiancé. We are preparing for our wedding, and getting our own place together. She has two daughters, and I really enjoy their presence, and would do anything for them. My spiritual path is still changing and evolving, I am trying new things, and trying to peace together thoughts and ideas. I dislike the job that I have, it is still soul numbing. I am looking for something new, and something much, much closer to home. My personal evolution is underway, and I am now on the journey with my soul mate. Where we end up, we have no idea, but our journey is going to be amazing. I'm looking forward to each step along the way.
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